



Barefoot running? Don't knock it until you've tried it

If you want to prevent injuries, you've got to have a good set of running shoes. This type of simple advice has been around for decades now and is probably said by physios like me on a daily basis.

But a new theory is slowly but surely beginning to gather momentum that might just change the way we keep fit.

Barefoot running is something that at present my runners are skeptical of, not surprising having been told for years that the cushion in your trainers will protect you from injury. Well that's still true to a large extent, it's just that barefoot running offers an alternative.

Running barefoot, or with minimalist footwear, is actually more likely to strengthen your feet and is a more natural Vibram Five Fingers way to run. Think of wearing a knee support or a cast for a month, when you take the support away the muscles around your knee will be weak.

In comparison to barefoot running, you pound your feet much harder with running shoes oblivious of the damage being caused by the impact through the joints elsewhere in the body, not just in the ankle area. Given that most people are wearing the wrong footwear, it's easy to see the downside of wearing shoes that are essentially making our feet weaker. Not a great combination if you're trying to prevent injury.

The benefits of this type of running appear to be endless. Less pressure on the knees, learn to run properly and efficiently, improve your balance and even save money on replacing shoes every six months to name but a few.

If you're going to give barefoot running a try, my advice is to take it very slow as your feet and ankles will be very weak. It will take Nike Vibram Five Fingers you months to build up the necessary strength to be safely running for faster and longer, but after a while the theory is that your feet will be stronger than ever before.

If you're going to give it a go here are a few tips to get you started.

The idea is to land on the balls of your feet instead of your heels, your strides should be short, keep upright and balanced and run quietly and feel light. Start on a hard surface, just for a few minutes and move very slowly, gradually progressing the length of time.

It might be an idea for you to try this out with 'barefoot shoots', Vibram Fivefinger KSO's are the most popular type to stimulate the gradual progression to eventual complete barefoot running. The idea behind the Fivefingers is that they remove the cushion and motion control of typical running trainers, allowing your feet to strengthen and feel the ground more, but will still give your feet the protection that you're naturally likely to be worried about.

Eventually you may wish to stop using the barefoot shoes and progress to softer surfaces such as your local park or recreational ground or if you live close to the beach, try the sand.

The obvious concern with running barefoot is for cuts and scrapes from objects left lying on the floor. It's up to you to select a surface or an area somewhere in the North-East where you'd feel more safe and comfortable.a

It's impossible for me to tell you that barefoot running will work for you, I'm involved in a lot of research on this topic so as more conclusions come to light I will share them with you through this column.

If you or have tried this, please get in touch with me as I'd love to hear your thoughts.




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